Family pic funny

Daily family exercise: Rose and Thorn

I’m sure a lot of you have heard of the rose and thorn game. Well, it’s something my family does every night at the dinner table. The point of this daily family exercise is for each person at the table to take out their highlight of the day and take out their low point and …

goals dream

Focusing on the goals

I’ve been talking a lot about goals recently in my house. For one thing, because of this big goal I have to write, show my passion, and use my voice. Nevertheless, what is most exciting is that my five-year-old son, the sponge, declared the other day unexpectedly that his goal was to shower on his …


5 tips to a successful camp drop-off

‘Tis the season for summer camp! The research, the calendar planning, the budgeting, and the filling in the holes are complete. Pat yourself on the back! Congratulations – you have done it! Now comes the hard part…making the summer camp drop-off a success. Here are my 5 tips to make the transitions a success and …

Communication Styles

I have a sticky note near my desk at home. It reads 4 simple things: Contempt Criticism Defensiveness Stonewalling A few years ago, when hitting a bit of a rough patch in my marriage, my husband sent me a Gottman article about The Four Horseman. As much as I wanted to shoot him an evil …