
Finding Hobbies That Work

I have purchased the shoes, the hat, the clothes, the sunglasses, and the watch. This means I’m going to start this new hobby, right? Last fall, I convinced my friends to run a 4-mile local road race named the Turkey Trot. We trained lightly leading up to the race, husbands and family had watched children, and running buddies were made. Overall, it was a time for us to focus on ourselves. Race day came, whether any of us liked it or not. It was a challenge and while standing on the start line, with the bouncing of butterflies anticipating what would come and for the excitement of what we would accomplish, it was really nice to find a connection to a hobby.

There are often times I have found myself finding a hobby, but having not stuck with it. Life simply gets in the way. A pandemic happens, mom duties increase, time seems to get away from me, or simply interest wanes. So how do we keep on course, how do we push through the hard times and carve out the times for hobbies?

Where Do I Start

I recommend starting small. I recently began reading again, sharing books with a friend and exchanging ones we have each separately loved. When I reach to pick up my cell phone and mindlessly browse the internet, I remember that I should instead be picking up my latest book. On a bigger scale, I greatly enjoy golf. Last year a friend and I took a clinic at the local country club. Showing up every week to hit balls, learn from the pro, and enjoy the nice beer after. This year my goal is to join the ladies league at the country club, simply to enjoy the game and company.

Don’t Worry, You Got This

Life moves fast, the calendar fills, and the duties will never stop. Finding the time for our own hobbies and interests is most important. Leaning on others, taking even the smallest amount of time we may have, and remembering you too can have hobbies. It will benefit your mind, body, and soul.

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